ar·ti·facts: abortion stories and histories is a traveling exhibit. It was curated by The Abortion Diary’s founder, Melissa Madera. This exhibition gives voice to our untold and silenced experiences through audio stories, images, and objects. These ar·ti·facts were gathered over the past six years by Melissa for The Abortion Diary.
Bring “ar·ti·facts” to your college campus, museum, gallery, or organize a pop-up exhibit in your neighborhood. ar·ti·facts: abortion stories and histories is a unique experience. Visitors listen to audio, and engage with text, quotes, images, objects, and interactive stations, which provide space for self interpretation, raises provocative questions for listeners and viewers, and sparks dialogue. This exhibit connects visitors with people's personal abortion experiences, offers audiences a more real and nuanced picture of abortion, and provides material for meaningful and relevant conversations in your community. Visitors listen to our voices as we share our stories in our own words.
Programming with the exhibit can vary from a 1 hour artist talk to a week or month-long residency, working with audiences to engage with the exhibit, foster dialogue, and gather stories from their own communities. Melissa will also lead a Q&A that includes topics like social justice, reproductive justice, combatting abortion and reproductive stigma, student leadership, community building, political empowerment, social media and digital humanities as well as abortion in media and popular culture. Additionally, while on campus, Melissa can lead a second workshop and is available to have a meal with the students and faculty for more private discussions.
Duke University, Center for Documentary Studies, November 2019 - May 2020
“Labour of Love,” Array Studios, Belfast, Northern Ireland, May 2016
The Denison Museum, Denison University, Granville, OH, February 15th- April 1, 2016